Dr Augustine Doronila
Dr Augustine Doronila, PhD, worked in Italy and Switzerland as a contract horticulturist from 1985-89. In 1989, Augustine moved to Curtin University of Technology, Western Australia working as a Senior Tutor and Research Associate for 12 years with the the Department of Environmental Biology, where he was involved in post mining land rehabilitation with different mining and extractive industries. He has coordinated ca. 50 contract research and monitoring projects. He then took his Doctoral studies at the School of Botany, University of Melbourne in 2001 on phytoremediation of arseniferous gold mine tailings. He is currently working as a research fellow with the environmental and analytical chemistry research group at the School of Chemistry, University of Melbourne and undertakes research on arsenic and mercury bioavailability and food chain transfer, heavy metal bioavailability, metal hyperaccumulation in plants, soil chemistry and plant nutrition, restoration ecology and post mining reclamation.
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