Associate Professor Ian D. McKelvie
Honorary Principal Research Fellow, School of Chemistry
PhD La Trobe University, 1993
MAppSc, Victoria Institute of Colleges, 1980
Dipl Appl Chem, Caulfield Institute of Technology, 1973
Academic Career Summary
Ian McKelvie joined the School of Chemistry of The University of Melbourne in 2011 as a Principal Fellow following his retirement from Monash University, where he had been Associate Professor (2000) and Senior Lecturer (1990). He held the position of Honorary Professor, School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Plymouth, UK from 2007-2019.
Royal Australian Chemical Institute, Analytical Chemistry Division Medal, December 2004.
JAFIA Award for Science, Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry, for “Research in Flow Analysis Techniques for Environmental Monitoring and Research”, September 2008.
Max O’Connor Lectureship, La Trobe University, 20 October 2009.
Membership of Professional Societies
Fellow of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute (1995)
Membership of Journal Editorial Boards
Talanta Associate Editor (2013-present)
Analytica Chimica Acta Editorial Board (2006-present)
Journal of Flow Injection Analysis International Editorial Board (2004-present)
Chiang Mai University Journal of Natural Sciences Editorial Advisory Board (2012-present)
Encyclopedia of Analytical Science, 2nd Edition Editorial Advisory Board (2004)
Chinese Chemical Letters Editorial Advisory Board (2016-present)
Please refer to publications